The population of Iceland numbered 319,100 at the end of the 1st quarter 2011, 160,300 males and 158,800 females.  The population increased by 600 from the previous quarter. Foreign citizens were 21,400 at the end of the 1st Quarter 2011. Inhabitants of the capital region were 203,000.
A total of 1,100 children were born in the 1st quarter and 540 persons died. Net migration was -15 persons. Net migration of persons with Icelandic citizenship was -270, and 260 for foreign citizens. More males than females emigrated.
Norway was the most popular destination for Icelandic citizens with 320 persons emigrating in the quarter. Of the  840 Icelandic citizens who emigrated, a total of 620 moved to Denmark, Norway or Sweden. Of the 380 foreign citizens who emigrated, the largest group (160 persons) went to Poland.
Immigrants with Icelandic citizenship came mostly from Denmark, Norway or Sweden, 420 out of 570, while Poland was the country of origin for most of the foreign immigrants, 170 out of 640. Lithuania came second with 45 immigrants.

Population, births, deaths and migration in the 1st quarter 2011
  Total Males Females
Population at the end of the quarter 319,100 160,300 158,800
Population at the start of the quarter 318,500 160,000 158,500
Change 600 240 360
Births 1,100 580 560
Deaths 540 280 260
Net migration -15 -70 50
Immigration 1,200 620 580
Emigration 1,200 690 530


Further Information

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