The population of Iceland at the end of the 3rd quarter 2013 was 325,010, 163,000 males and 162,010 females. The population increased by 1,200 from the previous quarter. Foreign citizens were 22,760 by the end of the 3rd quarter 2013. Inhabitants of the capital region were 208,210.
A total of 1,130 children were born in the 3rd quarter and 530 persons died. Net migration was 620 persons. Net migration of persons with Icelandic citizenship was -170, and 790 for foreign citizens. More females than males emigrated.
Denmark was the most popular destination for Icelandic citizens with 420 persons emigrating in the quarter. Of the 1,370 Icelandic citizens who emigrated, 1,080 went to Denmark, Norway or Sweden. The largest group of the 540 foreign citizens who emigrated went to Poland (100).
Immigrants of Icelandic citizenship came mostly from Denmark, Norway or Sweden, 830 out of 1,200, while Poland was the country of origin for most of the foreign immigrants, 400 out of 1,330. Germany came second with 110 immigrants.

Population, births, deaths and migration in the 3rd quarter 2013    
  Total Males Females
Population at the end of the quarter 325,010 163,000 162,010
Population at the start of the quarter 323,810 162,400 161,410
Change 1,200 600 610
Births 1,130 560 570
Deaths 530 290 250
Net migration 620 330 290
Immigration 2,530 1,270 1,260
Emigration 1,910 940 970
All numbers are rounded. When greater than 50 to the next 10 and to the next 5 when 50 or less. Due to the rounding, figures may not add up to totals and subtotals. 


Further Information

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