Population projections 2020–2069

  • Statistical Series
  • 17. December 2020
  • Vol 105, Issue 19
  • ISSN: 1670-4770

  • Download PDF
Statistics Iceland publishes every year updated short term (5 years) and long term (50 years) population projections in three variants. According to the medium projection variant, the Icelandic population will grow from 364 to 461 thousand persons in the next 50 years due to both migration and natural increase. The high variant predicts a population of 533 thousand while the low variant projects to 394 thousand inhabitants. The projection variants are built according to different assumptions about economic growth, fertility and migration levels. The number of births per year will exceed the number of deaths per year during the entire period, for the high variant, while for the medium (low) variant there will be less births after 2060 (2037). Life expectancy at birth for both men and women will grow, from 84.1 years in 2020 to 88.7 years in 2069 for women and from 79.9 to 84.4 years for men.

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